
Laminates & Things strives to be the top distributor in the wood-working industry, providing top-notch materials and fostering innovation while maintaining integrity. We empower customers to craft exceptional cabinetry and furniture.


Our goal is to become the premier leader in Florida and the Caribbean's wood-working industry. We’re dedicated to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We aim to expand our offerings while staying true to our family-owned values.

Core Values

  • Quality Excellence: We're dedicated to providing top-quality materials and products that empower our clients to thrive.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Client satisfaction drives us, consistently exceeding expectations with outstanding service and support.
  • Integrity and Honesty: We conduct our business with utmost integrity and transparency, building trust and enduring relationships with partners and customers.
  • Innovation and Adaptability: We fully embrace innovation, staying agile to meet the dynamic demands of the wood-working sector with cutting-edge products and technologies.
  • Strong Partnerships: Our success is built on enduring collaborations with suppliers and customers, fostering mutual growth and synergy.
  • Expertise and Knowledge: With over 34 years of industry experience, we pride ourselves on our expertise and commitment to sharing this knowledge with our clients.


  • High-Quality Product Distribution: We offer a wide range of high-quality wood-working materials and products, including MDF panels, decorative panels, laminate, hardware, LED lights, and more, ensuring our clients have access to top-tier industry offerings.
  • Exceptional Customer Service: Our team is committed to providing impeccable customer service, offering expert guidance, punctual deliveries, and unwavering support throughout every project.
  • Innovation and Continuous Improvement: We continually seek innovative products and solutions to meet our clients’ evolving needs, keeping us at the forefront of the industry.
  • Strong Partnerships: Our enduring alliances with suppliers, like our illustrious 33-year partnership with Merino, ensure a reliable source of high-quality products for the market.
  • Education and Training: We offer comprehensive education and training to our clients, keeping them informed about industry trends and best practices, empowering them to excel in their wood-working endeavors.
  • Community and Sustainability: We're unwavering in our commitment to community contribution and sustainability, promoting eco-friendly products and responsible business practices.
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High-quality product distribution
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Exceptional customer service
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Strong partnerships